Modular group
In mathematics, the modular group is the projective special linear group PSL ( 2 , Z ) {-displaystyle -operatorname {PSL} (2,-mathbb {Z} )} {-displaystyle ... Definition · Number-theoretic properties · Group-theoretic properties
Special linear group:SL(2,Z) - Groupprops
This article is about a particular group, i.e., a group unique upto isomorphism. View specific information (such as linear representation ... 1Definition · 1.1Definition by presentation · 2Arithmetic functions · 3Group properties
[PDF] sl2(z)
We will give two proofs that G = SL2(Z), one algebraic and the other geometric. For the algebraic proof, we start by writing down the effect of S and Tn on a ...
[PDF] SL2(Z)
Definition (Group Action). A group action of G on a set S is a map G × S -→ S which satisfies the following axioms: a. For any s ∈ S, ...
How to calculate |SL2(ZNZ)
Here is how I tackled this when I was given it as a homework problem: We prove that. |SL2(Z/peZ)|=p3e(1−1p2). by induction.
[PDF] the action of sl2(z) on the upper
We now prove statement (a). Consider the set Λτ = Zτ + Z ⊂ C, which is a discrete subset of C. We can therefore choose λ = c0τ +d0 with c0,d0 ∈ Z not both ...
SL2(ℝ) 編輯 ... 它是一個三維李群,在幾何、拓撲、表示論及物理中有重要應用. 與 SL₂(ℝ) 密切相關的是射影線性群 PSL₂(ℝ)。這是將 SL₂(ℝ) 中每個元素與它的負元素等同得到的 ...